This movement is designed to improve lateral power, plyometric ability and also being able to deceleration and re-accelerate rapidly. This is a challenging exercise and the objective is to move as quickly as possible from the baseline to the net using the single leg jumps (as demonstrated in the video). If you do not have a court available to perform this movement mark out a 39 foot length (baseline to net distance) and jumping laterally 4.5 feet (width of the doubles alley). Try to perform 3-6 sets of this with a 45 second recovery between each set if the focus is on speed and power. If you are using this during a Tennis Specific Endurance circuit you can repeat this with only the rest being the time it takes to walk back from the net to the baseline. This can be one of the exercises included in a Tennis Specific Endurance circuit with other tennis focused movements, exercises and injury prevention options.

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