The SERVE is the most important stroke in the game. The challenge for most players (and many coaches) is the focus on style rather than the real fundamentals. All great servers have similar fundamentals – but many have very different styles. We have spent decades studying the serve and trying to focus on fundamentals. Here is a quick primer on the 8 Stage Model Of The Serve. The 8 Stages are listed below and allows for a consistent way to learn and understand the serve.

The Tennis Serve Specialist (TSS) discusses the need for a checklist. Below is an example of the Checklist that we use daily focused on the 8 Stages. This provides a consistent way to review the serve and focus your training. This is called a “NEEDS ANALYSIS”. Which areas of the serve needs to be trained and focused on. For each of these specific exercises . We highly recommend everyone create a basic (or more complex) Needs Analysis for every stroke and that should help focus how you train.

If you want more information about the 8 Stage Model Of The Serve here is a 40 minute presentation discussing the topic. It really provides a nice overview. Click Here To View

We discuss the need to improve Stage 3 (LOADING) for most tennis players. Here is an article on the Academy site that should help you improve this vitally important stage of the serve.

Improving Your Serve With A Focus on Stage 3 (LOADING)

Below are a few basic exercises that can help everyone improve their serve

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